Welcome to the greatest website you've probably ever seen. For the greatest comic you have probably ever read. If you haven't read it, then read it. I don't know how you would've gotten here though if you haven't read it. Weird. I'm assuming you're looking for the gallery? It's somewhere over here. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Of course, the text moves very slowly so I'm sure it's not even pointing to the thing yet. And now a word from our sponsor, carrots! Narrated by Karrot himself. "ARE you LOOKING for THE worst THING you COULD ever POSSIBLY eat? WELL! try A motherfucking CARROT. you WILL be EVER so FUCKING disappointed BY it. FUCKING orange ASS sticks, I don't UNDERSTAND how ANYONE could LIKE them HONESTLY. if YOU enjoy CARROTS, get A fucking LIFE.................and FIND them AT your LOCAL grocery STORE. i GUESS." See, wasn't that awesome? God, you could read this all day. Maybe you will, who knows how much text is here? Who wrote this? Who took the time to learn HTML to make this website no one will look at? It was literally just supposed to be a gallery. Well, you can check credits to see. That's why it's there, silly! Well, I guess I'll tell you a story since you're here. A young man types at his desk, it just so happens that today, the 11th of October, 2023, is the day he started typing this instead of making the website as sexy as possible. Wait, this is just about me. Well, I guess I'm not that good at stories. But you know what is a good story? The Adventures of Karrot Vantas, of course! Hell yes, promoting this comic since 2023. What else what else...uh. Oh, follow our socials. Not the comics socials, but the comics creators socials. Yup. "Where can I find those?" I hear you ask? Well, IN THE CREDITS! Our linktrees are probably there. Probably. (Note to self, add linktrees.) Mhm. Yeah. The FITNESSGRAM Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. Crazy, right? I'm going crazy, I'll tell you that. Ooweeyoo I look just like Buddy Holly. Oh oh, and you're Mary Tyler Moore. Anyways. this is about Karrot Vantas, but you know who hasn't been mentioned? Pookie Wookie! They're fucking crazy, if you wanna know more about them click the characters tab. Oh yeah, I'm so good at this. They're my favorite for real. Like, you don't understand. You haven't seen my sketchbook dude. Or maybe you have if you clicked the gallery tab. OOOH I'M SO GOOD. Wait... why do I hear boss music...? WHAT'S HAPPENI- hey guys!! pkoie says u shuld go 2 ur local gabs statpn at like idunno like 3am or sum and get up wweedddd!!!!! turts me ull LOOOVEE it >_< its os good n ingroe kartrots shit abt carrots they taste like bootysheecks but theyre perfect for puttinu p ur nook!!!! X3 pookie WHAT the FUCK are YOU doing?? telin ppl to bye weed WELL stop!!! no make me ;p OH my FUCKING god IT'S so HARD to TELL who's TALKING right NOW. skil isue wait LEMME... ff6bo5...YAY. this MAKES shit EASIER now. wate i want text color now how do i do it WHY should I tell YOU? bcs i want ittt :( well WE don't ALWAYS get WHAT we WANT, now DO we. tel ur lewSUS that ...WELL he JUST gets US whatever BECAUSE he's A nice GUY. omag im gona js google it okay. whell its not xzactly the same as trolien bt it werks ;b look at me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH my GOD that IS way TOO much HTML for SOME fucking TEXT color. GET rid OF it POOK. fin fin is perpl gud? yes, I actually REALLY like THE purple ON you. :D aw tjenks ;] SO uh... DO you WANNA like...UH....uh.......WHAT do YOU wanna DO now I guess...? duno partner donnut PARTNER?? ua

Ive been listening to pinkerton on loop for hours